Do you know how often companies waste money because a software system is not used as it was designed? Sometimes, the basic features of a user interface (UI) software system are not even used as they should be. It is possible that the software isn’t synced with the behaviors and habits of the people that are supposed to use the UI.
How many times have you implemented a top-quality software system only to find out it wasn’t being used, money was spent buying the system, and training people on the UI software system? Did you hear about why the new system wasn’t being used?
A national warehouse chain spent nearly $100,000 on a new inventory management system, including training the employees on how to use the system. However, employees were not using the new software system, causing massive delays because it was unknown what warehouse had what items. The new software did not align with the behaviors and habits of the people.
There is a simple solution to measure inputs and processes to add a human component to your software and processes. Modern technology is awesome when it is properly aligned with people’s habits and behaviors.
Software Systems are Not People
Human behavior is complex and messy. To date, there have been no successful integrations of human behavior into a software system. Some experts say it is because computer systems find human behavior illogical.
People will not use something that does not work with their behaviors and habits. Sometimes, this is due to the extra steps it may take them to use a software system. For example:
If a person must stop in the middle of inventory management to input numbers into a system, chances are they will write their information on a piece of paper and keep going through their count. It is their habit to complete the count without constantly inputting it into a system as they go. After that is done, they may have other work to complete and feel it unnecessary to transfer their information into the system when it’s already on paper.
This was the case of that national warehouse chain previously mentioned. The employees were not putting the information into the system, causing confusion about actual inventory data.
The EPS Solution
An Effective Performance Strategy has a tool that can evaluate how people interact with the systems and processes in a company. Through observations and assessments, the behaviors and habits of employees are understood and compared to how the UI is set up. Even the smallest of changes can break the system.
Through a series of assessments to check the inputs, processes, and outputs, EPS can determine where the breakdown is occurring. A plan of action is put into place, training is conducted, and systems are merged with the human component to enhance processes.
The Intersection of People and Processes
When you bring people together with processes in a way that enables the understanding of how people interact with systems and processes, the result is successful implementation and alignment. People understand the process of using the new system, driving greater performance.
Help people interact with the process and incorporate a little emotional intelligence into your system to drive success by letting the experts help!