We are focused on building processes with clients around the different elements of value…
- Value Creation = Client-focused processes
- Value Capture = Employee-focused processes
- Value Scaling = Standardization of product & service processes
- Value Protection = Intellectual property processes
- Value Growth = Marketing & brand consistency processes
- Value Monitoring = Financial & accounting processes
It started me thinking… Are there necessary processes that don’t impact “value” in some way? What processes are important in your business and how do they impact value?
You will benefit from taking stock of the various processes in your business to begin understanding if they are “protecting waste” by keeping the status quo or “attacking waste” leading to increased value.
Any process that gets aligned, documented, and improved should have a valuable impact on your team & organization!
Interested in learning more? Check out the new EPSzone.com website & keep an eye on this space for the upcoming launch of the P5 Rocket™ interactive VR experience!!
Keep moving forward!
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